世紀末警鐘 Warnings of the Century by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua 人為什麼都是糊裏糊塗的?因為他們一點也不曉得自己從哪裏來,還到哪裏去。每天在鏡子裏所照的形相,不是真正的你呀!假使想知道自己的本來面目,必須迴光返照,反求諸己。世人都被五欲迷住了;每天被財色名食睡的鎖鍊縛得透不過氣來,還心甘情願地作它的奴隸。 Why are people oblivious and confused? It’s because they do not know where they came from and where they will go. The image you see every day in the mirror is not the real…
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